Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “python”
Altair-viz 4: Add text on charts and deal with complex layouts
If -as me- you started data visualization using matplotlib, you must already know how painful it is to create charts having a complex layout.
From adding textual information to creating a subplots effectively, we’ll see how Altair deals with advanced charts with ease.
Altair-viz 3: Data transforms with altair: why, what and how
Since Altair is a framework of data-viz, talking about data transforms may seems odd. Especially if you are used to pandas, as you are probably saying to yourself “But why the heck should I care about data transformations, 🐼 is all about that!
Altair-viz 2: Make charts more beautiful
You told me that my chart would look good but it’s still ugly 🤡