Altair-viz 4: Add text on charts and deal with complex layouts
If -as me- you started data visualization using matplotlib, you must already know how painful it is to create charts having a complex layout.
From adding textual information to creating a subplots effectively, we’ll see how Altair deals with advanced charts with ease.
We’ll cover a couple of topics in this article, which are: horizontal and vertical layout, grid subplots, and layering.
Horizontal, vertical and facet (grid) layouts
- Horizontal concatenation
- Use case: put next to each other charts that do not share the same data, or whose visualizations are not of the same kind
chart = chart1 | chart2
- Vertical concatenation
- Use case: idem above
chart = chart1 & chart2
- Repeated charts
- Use case: For a same dataset, cross-compare columns pairs by creating a grid of charts
- Tips: prefer repeated over facet charts for wide-format data
row=[<col1>, <col2>],
column=[<col3>, <col4>]
- Facet layout
- Use case: you used all available encodings (axes, color, size…) and you still need one dimension to represent your data. One chart is created per value of a given column - perferably of ordinal or nominal type.
- Tips: prefer facet over repeat for long-format data
In practice
Mixing concatenations in both direction
It is totally possible to mix vertical and horizontal concatenation. As an example:
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
data = pd.DataFrame({
"x": ["A", "B", "C", "D"],
"y": [1, 5, 3, 2],
"z": [4, 3, 8, 2],
"t": [2, 7, 5, 3]
base = alt.Chart(data, width=200, height=100)
top_left = base.mark_bar().encode(x="x:N", y="y:Q")
top_right = base.mark_area().encode(x="z:Q", y="y:Q")
bottom_left = base.mark_arc().encode(theta="t:Q", color="x:N")
chart = (top_left | top_right) & bottom_left
The resulting chart is:
Tips: The size that is set in alt.Chart(width=…, height=…) applies to each Chart instance
Grid layout
Let’s assume that we have the following data:
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Build an array of 3 times 50 points from 0 to 2*Pi, put along each other
x = np.tile(
np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 50),
# Build cosine, sine and hyperbolic cosine curves
y = np.concatenate([
category = ["Cosine"] * 50 + ["Sine"] * 50 + ["Hyperbolic Cosine"] * 50
data = pd.DataFrame({
"x": x,
"y": y,
"category": category
Then, imagine that we want to display points of (X, Y) coordinates such that:
- We need to have one chart per category
- We need to color in green when the Y value is positive, and red elsewhere
Then, what we could do is:
chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_point().encode(
color=alt.condition(alt.datum.y >= 0, alt.value("green"), alt.value("red"))
You should obtain the following chart:
To customize how you want to render the grid, you can play with the arguments of Chart.facet
which permit to set the
number of columns you want to display.
You should also notice 3 new concepts here:
- alt.condition
that permits developers to set their own criterion to display data. The first argument is the predicate, and the two next is there to say “take the value of this if true, else take this value”.
Note that you can either set those values as columns of the dataframe, or static values.
- alt.value
alt.value enforce Altair to use a value as an encoding instead of a column name. If you don’t use this wrapper around the value you need as unique color/x/y/whatever encoding, it is likely to fail.
- Chart.resolve_scale
Notice that cosh skyrockets above 250 of value on the y axis? By default, altair says “every chart of a given facet share the same axes”. You need to set them independent in this case, otherwise the sine and cosine curves would be flat as <insert a bad joke here>.
- Layer two charts
- Use case: adding textual information on an existing chart
chart = chart1 + chart2
- Layer an arbitrary variable number of charts
chart = alt.layer(chart1, chart2, chart3)
- Dual axis chart (double y axis):
chart = (chart1 + chart2).resolve_scale(y="independent")
In practice
Adding text to a bar chart
In the dawn of times, it was difficult to draw text on charts. But with Altair - and possibly with other frameworks that I don’t know - came a new era where charts comprising textual annotations were not the exception, but the rule.
Indeed, let’s consider the following data:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({
"x": [7, 9, 12, 10],
"y": ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
Then, to draw a chart with any mark, and text, one should just need to write:
base = alt.Chart(data).encode(
chart = base.mark_bar()
text = base.mark_text(dx=10).encode(
final_chart = chart + text
That results in:
Double axis chart
If you need a double axis chart using altair, nothing easier. Given the following data:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({
"x": ["A", "B", "C", "D"],
"y": [10, 40, 30, 20],
"z": [400, 200, 300, 100]
Let’s try to draw bars for the y column, and lines for the z field:
# You create the base chart, which shares common properties between bars and lines
base = alt.Chart(data, width=400).encode(
# Encode just what you need to create the bars
bars = base.mark_bar().encode(
# Idem for lines
lines = base.mark_line(color="orange").encode(
# Layer the two resulting charts, and set y as an independent axis
chart = (bars + lines).resolve_scale(y="independent")
You should obtain the following result:
Limits: grid of dual axis charts
Altair does not permit faceted nor repeated layered charts with independent axes, although you can facet layered charts in general.
However, it is still possible to create grid layouts, by iteratively building the final chart.
Let’s take the following data:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({
"A": [1, 4, 6, 3, 6],
"B": [6, 3, 6, 2, 5],
"x": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"t": [2022, 2022, 2022, 2023, 2023]
And assume that
- We want to display columns “A” and “B” on a separate y axis, bars for “A” and line for “B”
- Using “x” as X axis
- Such that we have one graph per year (column “t”)
We can check the two first objectives with the following code:
base = alt.Chart(data).encode(x="x:O")
chart_left = base.encode(y="A:Q").mark_bar()
chart_right = base.encode(y="B:Q").mark_line(color="orange")
chart = (chart_left + chart_right).resolve_scale(y="independent")
But that won’t produce one chart per year (cf figure above). To do that, we’d like to write:
chart = chart.facet("t:O")
Unfortunately, that won’t work because you are trying to facet a layered chart.
To tackle the issue, you could iterate over the unique values of the column “t” to create one chart per value of “t”, and apply the reduce function from the functools package to build the horizontal layout:
from functools import reduce
charts = []
for value in data.t.unique():
charts.append(chart.transform_filter(alt.datum.t == value))
final_chart = reduce(lambda c1, c2: c1 | c2, charts)
or, in a more Altair way:
final_chart = alt.concat(*[
chart.transform_filter(alt.datum.t == value)
for value in data.t.unique()])
Not so hard, right? Things get more complex though, when you need to have N rows and M columns. Nonetheless, the logic remains the same as you would build a list of lists of charts, that you would reduce twice to build a grid.
In this article, you could see how to manage layout effectively by using concatenation and layering, and how to apply conditional fields or static values.
We could see the limits of the facet operation, and how to overcome it.